Saturday, 15 September 2018

IBM Entity Insight - The 'Analytical' MDM

A reputed telecommunications company has taken over a line of business from a mobile network operator.  I am a customer of both these organizations and my details are available with the telecommunications company.  As part of the take over, they replaced a dongle with another device and sent a person from a third party organization to verify me, inspite of having my details for the past four years.  This activity involved my time, my disgust of the company on the verification and the payment from the company to the third party.

The telecommunications company could have easily avoided this activity had they combined master data on their entities with the data from the company acquired and obtained key insights.   This is what is now possible with IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management (MDM) and IBM Entity Insight, which is available in IBM InfoSphere Big Match for Hadoop. 

The primary purpose of Entity Insight is to provide information savvy Data Analysts with Analytical Insights based on data from multiple sources.   Data from MDM and other sources are stored in a graph database.  Data from csv files and spreadsheets can be uploaded as collections.  Entity Insight which is also known as Analytical MDM allows the user the match collections with the data catalog and save the resultant collection.  Graph based exploration of collections is an added advantage.  It is also possible to perform searches on such collections based on conditions, save the search result and export the output.

IBM Entity Insight

The telecommunications company could have uploaded customer data from the mobile network operator and created a collection.  It could have then matched the collection with the data from MDM to find out the subset of common customers.  They need not have performed verification on known customers and saved time and money.  They could have also made use of the search feature and saved time and money by sending the alternative device area by area.

IBM Entity Insight Demo with MDM Publisher
Installing and configuring IBM Entity Insight
Publishing MDM Data to Graph Database