Tuesday, 22 February 2022

IBM InfoSphere MDM - When Database Password is Updated

 Database password has to be updated at regular time intervals.  When database password is updated, there are certain key locations at which it has to be updated for IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management to function.  

1. The Data Sources

IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management has three Data Sources - DWLCustomer, DWLConfig and MDM in the WebSphere Application Server.  The password value is part of the Custom Properties at each Data Source.  This value has to be updated

To update the password at the Custom Properties of a Data Source,

i) In the WAS Admin Console, Go to Data Sources -> <NAME> -> Custom Properties

ii) Click on password and update the value.  Note that you can provide in plain text.

iii) Click on Save.  Note that when MDM installation is on WAS ND, the Nodes have to synchronized after the changes are performed.

When MDM is installed on WAS Cluster, the number of Data Sources which name MDM is equal to the number of servers in the cluster.  The custom property password at all Data Sources with name MDM has to be updated.

Ensure that all the three Data Sources DWLCustomer, DWLConfig and MDM are updated.

2.  The JAAS Entries

Database Password has to be updated at JAAS - J2C authentication data entries corresponding to DWLCustomer, DWLConfig and MDM.

i) Go to Data Sources -> DWL Customer -> JAAS - J2C authentication data

ii) For each entry that corresponds to the database, click on the entry, modify the value for password and click on OK.  

iii) After updating the database password for all JAAS entries, click on Save.  Note that when MDM installation is on WAS ND, the Nodes have to synchronized after the changes are performed.

Perform Test Connection at the Data Sources and ensure that the correct database password is used as expected.

The changes will get into effect in the MDM application once you restart the application server.  We recommend restarting the application after performing step 3 below.

3. Native engine

Update the value of the below

i) PWD2 in MAD_CONNSTR in com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg


ii) password2 in com.ibm.mdm.mds.jdbc.cfg


where the base folder for these files is <MDM_INSTALL_DIR>/mds/conf and <WAS_PROFILE_DIR>/installedApps/<CELL>/MDM-native-<INSTANCE_ID>.ear/native.war/conf folder

Here PWD2 and password2 stands for database password that is encrypted using madpwd2 utility in <MDM_INSTALL_DIR>/mds/bin

To ensure that the connection to the database with the new password works, 

i) Go to the scripts folder (<MDM_INSTALL_DIR>/mds/scripts or <WAS_PROFILE_DIR>/installedApps/<CELL>/MDM-native-<INSTANCE_ID>.ear/native.war/scripts)

ii) Execute 

./madconfig.sh test_datasource

and ensure that the result is successful

After completing the above 3 steps perform synchronization and restart the application server or cluster.  You may execute IVT and confirm that the database password updation is successful.

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