Thursday, 7 February 2019

IBM InfoSphere MDM - How to redeploy Enterprise Business Application when part of it is deleted

The application MDM-operational-server-EBA comprises of assets and bundles.  When one of these components gets deleted, the below steps can be followed to uninstall the components manually and install them back using utilities, to get the EBA working.

1. Go to Applications -> MDM-operational-server-EBA-<INSTANCE_ID> and delete all the Assets there.

2. Go to Applications -> Assets and delete all the Assets listed there.

3. Go to Environment -> OSGI Bundle Repositories -> Internal Bundle Repositories and delete all the bundles listed there.

4. Delete the Business Level Application MDM-operational-server-EBA-<INSTANCE_ID>

5. Synchronise the nodes and Save.

6. Replace the placeholder <INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER> with the value of instance id (similar to E001).  Go to <MDM_INSTALL_DIR>/mds/scripts and invoke the below madconfig targets.  Use or madconfig.bat based on the OS, in this case, we assume that the OS is Linux.

./ install_mdm_eba install_prop_file_jar map_roles_to_users -DblaName=MDM-operational-server-EBA-<INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER><INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER>.jar

For example:
./ install_mdm_eba install_prop_file_jar map_roles_to_users -DblaName=MDM-operational-server-EBA-E001

Please note that we are passing in two parameter values using the -D option.

7. During target execution, provide appropriate values for passwords.  For BLA User and BLA Password, provide values for MDM Administrator User and Password respectively.

8. After completion of targets' execution, synchronise the nodes and restart the application server.

9. Execute IVT to confirm that the EBA has started successfully.

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